Saturday, February 9, 2013

Airvan42: Home / / Aqua Real 3D

Aqua Real 3D

Aqua Real 3D | 9.26 Mb
After you have installed Aqua Real 2, click on the short cut on your computer desktop. What you’re about to open is not merely a computer program. The window you open extends from your desktop to an open ocean with no end.

Presented to you is not simply arrays of illuminating bright dots, but rather, you would see Palette surgeonfish and Pennant coral fish staring back at you fearlessly under your curious gaze.

Groups of fish swimming and chasing one another, as if they are flowing silk scarves in the ocean current. Sunshine penetrates through the ocean and onto the blue coral reefs, painting a misty glamorous scene.

Some Parameters :
• Lock the first one color for both - fix the background color. You can select a color.
• Bubbles and Sound
• Rising - Choose the rise of air bubbles.
• Bubble Surtain - Allocate bubbles evenly across the screen.
• Location - Determine the place where the bubbles rise.
• Frog - add the voices of frogs (not croak).
• You can disable all the sounds of an aquarium.
• Music - Here you can select the files to be played in sync with the sounds of an aquarium (especially true for the regime Screensaver).
• All your settings you can save a file (Save).



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