Saturday, February 9, 2013

Airvan42: Home / / Windows 8 aktifator

Windows 8 aktifator

Because the recently released Windows 8 has yet to crack 100% sure this is not Windows
OS:  XP//Vista/2008/7/R2/8/2012
Windows 8 - This is the operating system is Windows, rethought and constructed on the basis of rapid and reliable Windows 7. With a completely new interface for sensor devices. New Windows for new devices. You can try right now - regardless of whether you are installing it the first time or upgrading from Windows 8 Release Preview.


  • Fixed the issue where it could not detect what server you picked
  • Fixed the issue with the command popups
  • Improved background activator
  • More bug fixes
This programs is very complete ....
Have many section ,i think this is best in the world! :D
OS:  XP//Vista/2008/7/R2/8/2012



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